// A simple example where bar has access to the lexical scope of foo even 
// though it is executed in outer scope, this is because bar() has closure
// over the lexical scope of foo().
function foo() {
	var a = 2;

	function bar() {


foo(); // 2
// A little more specific example which puts full light on closure. The function
// foo() returns function object, which we assign to a variable
// baz and then we execute it

function foo() {
	var a = 2;
	function bar() {

	return bar;

// Here we execute a reference copy of foo, not foo itself and we still
// get the lexical access 
var baz = foo(); 

baz(); // 2
// An example where we are indirectly passing around the function as value and
// executing it at a different place in code

var fn;

function foo()  {
 var a = 2;
 function baz() {
	console.log( a );
 fn = baz; // assign baz to global variable

function bar() {


bar(); // 2
for (var i=1; i<=5; i++) {
	setTimeout( function timer() {
	}, i*1000);

// While it is tempting to think that this code will output 1, 2, ..5 with
// one second interval but this is not true, the output will be 6, 6, 6, .. 6
// five times with one second interval each.

// Explanation: The terminating condition of loop is when i is 6, thus 6 is
// printed, at each iteration the loop doesn't have its own copy of i, but the 
// global i instead which is accessed by each iteration. They are closed over
// the same shared global scope.

// We can use IIFE to fix this issue, because we can create a new scope for each
// iteration using IIFE
for(var i=1; i<=5; i++) {
	(function() {
		var j = i;
		setTimeout( function timer() {
		}, j*1000);

// Best solution is to use let
for(var i=1; i<=5; i++) {
	let j=i;
	setTimeout( function timer() {
	}, j*1000);

// A exceptional short form is also available to use `let` directly in the
// head of for loop
for(let i=1; i<=5; i++) {
	setTimeout( function timer() {
	}, i*1000);
function hello(who) {
	return "Hi " + who;
export hello;

// import only `hello()` from "bar" module
import hello from "bar";
var hungry = "hippo";

function capitalize() {
export capitalize;

// import the entire "foo" and "bar" modules
**module foo from "foo";
module bar from "bar";

console.log(bar.hello("rhino")); // Hi rhino

foo.capitalize(); // HI HIPPO